Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hurray for being 22!/ Past Due Update

I started a post on my birthday in December and then the baby woke up and wanted my attention so I stopped writing and just haven't gotten back to finish it... I will do that and then do a little update on our lives right now.

Cuddly Boy
Post in December...

As I think about this last year and everything that happened I wound not change anything. In the past year I found out I was pregnant, celebrated my one year wedding anniversary and had my beautiful son. I could not ask for a better life. There have been many ups and downs through the year but I would not change anything.   As thankful as I was to be pregnant I am very thankful that it is over. My pregnancy was not fun at all. I don't know how some people say they lover being pregnant and they feel better pregnant than not.

The best thing about this year was getting the opportunity to become a parent. It is the best thing in the entire world! I love waking up every morning to see my wonderful son. He is such a good baby! He is so calm and relaxed and just goes with whatever needs to be done. It is so much fun to have him. It is so amazing how much love you can have for one little person. Every time he smiles at me my heart just melts.

It has been so wonderful to have my amazing husband by my side to help me with Landon. He is such a great dad. I love sitting and watching them interact. The way Landon looks at Keith you can see how much he loves him. They are so cute together and have a very good relationship. Keith is so wonderful and does so much for me and Landon. He never complains about changing a diaper or holding him if I need a break even after a long day at work. I honestly couldn't ask for a better father for my son.

I've been asked lately if I regret any part of my life and I honestly can say that I don't. I feel that for every person there is a time and a place for things. I honestly never thought when I graduated high school that I would be married and have a baby before I finished college but it was my time to be a wife and a mother. I know that I can finish school and I still think that is very important but I also feel that being a mother is also very important. If I would have waited there is a very good chance I wouldn't have Landon and that just kills me. I see some of the really cool and interesting things people I know are doing but I really love my life as it is.

Update on Us

First Swim
This past few weeks have been very crazy and interesting. The Christmas season was very busy for us. We were able to go down to St. George to a family party and we took Landon swimming for the first time! He wasn't so sure about it.

Christmas Eve
I was going to start back at work on Christmas Eve but they didn't need me so I got cancelled which worked out really well because there was a terrible snow storm that day. So Christmas Day was my first day back. Luckily I only had to work a half day and was home by 1 p.m. It was good to be back but it was hard to be away from my little boy. It wasn't terrible because really the day was no different for him other than he got a new toy. We were able to just spend the day with family, relax and have good food.

Christmas Toy
After Christmas I tried to spend as much time with Landon as possible because I felt bad about having to leave him when I went to work and I also knew school was starting back up. Unfortunately Keith got sick for New Years so we were in bed by 10. I know we are boring but hey such is the life of a parent. Particularly parents whose child decided it wasn't fun anymore to sleep through the night and it was much better to wake up two or three times a night. He is getting better.. some nights are better than others.

Rice Cereal, Our Work in Process
After a few weeks of Landon not sleeping through the night we decided to start rice cereal to see if that helped. He likes it more and more very time but it takes some time to keep it in his mouth... He is usually wearing quite a bit of it by the end of his feeding. It has helped a little bit but we found that if he is able to cry a little bit before he goes to sleep he sleeps longer. I'm not sure why but if it works it works.

It has been interesting be a mother, wife, student and working part time. It is a lot going on at once but Keith and my family have been so wonderful about helping where they can. It makes it a lot easier knowing Landon is with people who really love him. I just can't do day care. I understand that many people have to because they have no other choice but I'm just not ready for that. I only have class one day a week at the BYU Salt Lake Center and I love it! The classes there are so laid back and the teacher is just amazing! I wish I would have taken a class there earlier!

Keith's Car (passenger side back tire)
Last week Keith was in a car accident. He was driving to work on the freeway and a car in front of him lost control so he slowed down and he lost control and in the process of straightening the car out another car ran into him. He is ok he was a little sore but nothing that he couldn't get fixed by the chiropractor. The insurance agency deemed the car totaled so now we are looking for a new car. It is probably one of my least favorite things to do...

We have been waiting to hear about a condo we put an offer in on but we still haven't heard anything and everything else we have put an offer in on fell through. Now we are going back to renting for a little bit until we get things back to normal. It have been a blessing to live with my parents for this time. It was very helpful to have help when I had my various surgeries and just to have someone around when I needed some extra help. We just feel like it is time for us to be on our own again. It will be nice for the baby to be in his room with his crib and everything. We are excited to get his superhero bedroom and bathroom going!

Little Landon is getting so big! He is four months old today! He is so long just like his dad. He is smiling all the time and laughing sometimes. He get very bored with things quickly and they aren't funny anymore. However,  he loves Little Einstein movies. We are working on the whole sitting thing... he is very close. Landon is not interested in the slightest with crawling. We have tried to put him on his stomach and he just get angry and refused to do anything but kick his legs and not look at me. He is very good at standing. If he is leaning on something he can stand on his own for like 30 seconds. Maybe we are just overly excited first time parents but that is just fine we love it! He is teething and can get a little crabby at times... I do my best to make him comfortable and entertain him. I really just can't believe how big he has gotten. We go in next Monday for his check up.
Officially 4 Months Old

Cute baby!

Working on sitting

Eating is a little messy...

Church Outfit

Hanging out after Church 

Surprised Baby

Watching Little Einsteins 

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