Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Just a little update

Eating Ice Cream
As I'm sitting here alone waiting for Keith to come home from working the later shift at work I realized it has been awhile since I have done an update.

Not liking the Grass
Landon has been growing like crazy! He is over seven months old now! Landon is over 20 pounds and has to be at least 30 inches long. He has started getting ready to crawl but hasn't done it yet. It is funny to see him try. Sometimes he gets really frustrated that he can't go very fast but he can certainly get around the room rolling. Yesterday I was in the kitchen getting something to eat and I hear something and then Landon crying. I can in and he had pulled the DVD player on himself. So I had to move everything higher and make sure all the cords are out of his reach. He wasn't very happy that I took his 'toy' away. Such is life. I get to be the bad guy. The other day we put him on the grass and he did not like that one bit! He was up on his toes and holding himself up so fast. We think the crawling is coming but we are enjoying him not being so mobile

Not happy he isn't moving
Landon has also stared to give high fives when you ask him. It is so funny because he gets so excited when he hits someones hand. He also talks so much! He sings in the car, will try talking to people and just talks just to hear himself. I just love seeing him advance and grow it is so much fun! He also has a favorite TV show, it is Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood on PBS. It is extremely funny to watch him watching the show. He laughs, gets excited and starts bouncing. He usually watches the whole thing and is so happy.

Last week poor Landon was sick :( I just thought it was his other tooth that came in but it wasn't. We still don't know what it was because the doctor still hasn't gotten back to us... but that's a different story for another time... Landon had a fever and we were changing 6-7 poopy diapers a day. They usually called for a total outfit change... I did a lot of laundry last week. He wasn't sleepy well either. As much as I hate him being sick I do love that he is extra cuddly. He just wanted to be right next to me all week so we didn't get much done. He was still very happy though. Then all the sudden Monday everything went back to normal and we haven't had a bad poopy diaper since.

Watching Daniel Tiger
Landon is eating like crazy! He wants to be eating everything that Keith and I eat but he doesn't always get to. He loves eating baby food and just chows when we give it to him. He get very upset if we don't feed him at a pace that he agrees with, which is usually as fast as possible. He is a little stinker and refuses to breastfeed during the day. He will when he first wakes up or if he is going to bed. I'm just fine with it because I got tired of fighting with him and trying to force him to eat. It makes life easier to just go with what he wants right now.

Hanging out at Church
We have a very opinionated and strong willed child. If things aren't how he wants it he will let us know. If he is done with something he will also let us know. He very much likes being the center of attention. He will yell at me if I am on the computer and not looking at him. Then when I put the computer away he will just happily go back to playing in his bouncer. He also is picky. Keith got him a pair of jeans with a snap and the other day I would close the snap and not long after he would unsnap it if he was trying to relax or when he was eating. He got very mad when I would snap it again . He may be a little spoiled but for right now I am just fine with it.

I finished this semester about a week and a half ago. It is so nice to be done for then semester. Even though I am not finished with school it was such a relief to be done with the semester. I like school but it is so hard to get things done with a baby, husband and work to worry about. I will be so happy to just be done with my undergrad when that time comes.

Relaxed baby with unsnapped Jeans
We are so excited for the summer! We have a pool pass and plan on being there often! We want Landon to like the water so we figure the more we go the more used to the pool he will be. It will be nice to just hang out and have fun with friends and family this summer. We are planning on going to Colorado to visit family but other than that we are staying home because we are trying to get out of debt as soon as we can and then start saving again for a house or something.

That is our life right now. It pretty much revolves around Landon and all the exciting things he is learning and doing!

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