Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Our Mobile Little Man

Pool Time
Our world has been turned upside down since Landon has become mobile. It is crazy how fast he is doing things. Just two weeks ago he just laid on the floor and would roll around a little bit. Those were the nice days. Now he is EVERYWHERE! He is crawling like a crazy man!
At the pool

Then last Saturday when I was at work he started crawling up the stairs... He thinks he is so funny. When we have time we sit with him and go up with him so that we can watch him. I figure the better he is at it the safer he will be. I've tried to teach him how to come down but he just thinks it is funny to slide down the stairs. Every new step he goes up he turns around and laughs and almost falls backwards. We had to get another gate so that he couldn't get up the stairs. He was very unhappy with that.

Landon selfie
Landon has also started getting up to furniture and kind of walking around. He honestly tries to be on his feet as much as he can because he doesn't love crawling. He falls often and is all bruised but he is learning. Every time he falls I tell him he is ok and to get back up. He doesn't cry as much when he falls. It is funny though when he cried because most of the time he is being a dramatic faker so it is hard not to laugh at him.

Ready for summer
We got Landon some used toys and he loves them! They make noises and they are shorter so it is easier for him to stand at them and play. Even with all the new toys he still just wants paper and the remotes. We have to keep the remotes away from him because he was leaving teeth marks on them.

Eating our food
We have taken Landon to the water park a few times this summer and he just loves it. He still isn't sure about the waves in the wave pool but he just gets so excited when he is in the water. We got him a batman pool float and I think everyone else loves it more than he does. It is entertaining to watch him in the pool. He tried to drink the water and then he coughs very dramatically like he is choking and then he laughs about it.

Another Selfie
Landon is eating so much. We were going through baby food like crazy so I decided to start making my own baby food. It is really easy and Landon seems to really like it so far. He had a hard time with vegetables before and it has gotten a little better. He really likes it when we but agave in the food to make it taste a little better. We decided he must like it because he isn't even 9 months yet and he is in 12 month clothing! He is just a very tall boy not very chunky just long. We will see later this month at his appointment exactly how big he is.

I seriously couldn't ask for a better child he is almost always so happy and smiling. Even our his bad days he is still isn't a horrible baby. Every once and awhile he will have a melt down but it isn't anything horrible. He loves getting people's attention whenever we go so he can smile at them. It is so cute! He loves looking at himself in the camera and he just smiles so big when he sees himself.

Superman in the Batmobile

Sleepy guy

Going up the stairs

This is what happens when he doesn't get his way

Standing in his crib 

There isn't much new with Keith and I we are just into our routine of work and taking care of Landon. I'm going to be taking some online classes soon to get going on finishing school. Other than that there isn't much new with us.

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